FDA Approves Important Drug for Dry Macular Degeneration
A Note from Dr. Najarian: “This is an exciting new therapy to offer our patients with a form of dry macular degeneration, which is unfortunately all too common. Prior to the introduction of this new class of medicine, our only treatments included close observation, taking AREDS 2 vitamins, smoking cessation, and nutritional guidance to include eating fish, a Mediterranean diet, and leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale.”

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved pegcetacoplan injection (Syfovre) as the first treatment for geographic atrophy (GA), a form of dry macular degeneration which is a major cause of adult blindness.
Pegcetacoplan injection, from Apellis Pharmaceuticals, is intended for the treatment of people with geographic atrophy secondary to age-related macular degeneration. Geographic atrophy affects more than 1 million people in the United States and 5 million people worldwide, according to Apellis.
“The approval of SYFOVRE is the most important event in retinal ophthalmology in more than a decade,” said Eleonora Lad, MD, PhD, director of ophthalmology clinical research and associate professor of ophthalmology at Duke University Medical Center, in Durham, North Carolina, in a press release about the FDA decision. “Until now, there have been no approved therapies to offer people living with GA as their vision relentlessly declined. With SYFOVRE, we finally have a safe and effective GA treatment for this devastating disease, with increasing effects over time.”
Click below to watch video, “How the Eye Works and Macular Degeneration.”
New Time Saver: Fill in Forms Ahead of Your Office Visit
Many patients may find filling out forms at the office visit to be tedious, and it can add time to the length of your visit. Now Bedminster Eye & Laser is offering a time saver!
We are happy to announce that patients can now complete their paperwork online via our website! NOW, with the click of a button, the completed downloaded forms can be sent to our Bedminster or Teaneck office via a HIPAA-compliant website. The easy-to-follow directions are available by clicking here or just click on the photo, below, of the Forms web page.
You can also access the web page via www.bedminstereye.net – Under Patient Information – FORMS – New Patient Registration or Returning Patient Forms.
36 Fabulous Foods to Boost Eye Health

If you’re looking for a diet that’s healthy for your eyes, here’s some good news: The same diet that helps your heart and the rest of your body will help your eyes. Plus, you’ll enjoy many delicious choices.
For 2020: The Year of the Eye, the American Academy of Ophthalmology intended to list 20 vision-healthy foods. Instead, we came up with 36. It’s a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, beans and fish.
Why Is Nutrition Important for Good Vision?
“Some nutrients keep the eye healthy overall, and some have been found to reduce the risk of eye diseases,” said Rebecca J. Taylor, MD, an ophthalmologist in Nashville, Tennessee.
Eating a diet low in fat and rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help not only your heart but also your eyes. This isn’t surprising: Your eyes rely on tiny arteries for oxygen and nutrients, just as the heart relies on much larger arteries. Keeping those arteries healthy will help your eyes.
What Should I Focus On for Eye-Healthy Eating?
Perhaps the best-known eye-healthy nutrient is vitamin A. Your retina needs plenty of vitamin A to help turn light rays into the images we see. Also, without enough vitamin A, your eyes can’t stay moist enough to prevent dry eye.
Carrots are a well-known source of vitamin A. Sweet potatoes provide even more vitamin A, Dr. Taylor said. “A sweet potato has more than 200% of the daily dose of vitamin A doctors recommend.” Fruits, including cantaloupe and apricots, can be a good source of vitamin A.
Learn more from the American Academy of Ophthalmology
What Are You Reading These Days
We’ve noticed that many of our patients enjoy reading a good book. We’re collecting recommendations for a “good read,” and we will be sharing them every month in our newsletter.
At right is just one reading recommendation for February 2023
Have a reading recommendation? Email it to our Newsletter Editor.

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