Please Celebrate Safely and Buy Safe Toys and Gifts

With the Holidays and New Year’s Eve right around the corner, let’s review how to celebrate while protecting your eyes. Here are three tips to keep it happy and healthy.
1.) Keep decorations safe by being careful when decorating trees, hanging glass ornaments higher up where children cannot reach them, using only safe electrical lights that do not have damaged wiring and candle/fire safety. Avoid fire hazards (open flames, heaters).
2.) Remember the rules about fireworks safety: Never let children handle fireworks, and discourage adults from handling them. Leave the fireworks displays to the experts!
3.) Open champagne bottles pointed away from the face, eyes and other people, covering the cork with a towel and turning it slowly with a slightly upward motion. Also make sure your champagne is chilled to at least 45° for safety reasons.
December is the biggest gift-giving month in the world and buying toys and gifts can be one of the most exciting parts about the holiday season, so it’s important to keep safety in mind as you’re shopping, especially for young children.
Here are three ways to shop with safety in mind:
1.) Inspect toys before buying – avoid toys with sharp edges, lots of little parts, or parts that can be easily pulled off. (Especially if it’s for a baby or toddler).
2.) Buy age appropriate toys – make sure the marked age and skill level matches the age and skill level of the child you’re buying for.
3.) Buyer beware of these other items – avoid toys with rope, cords, or that can heat up. Crayons markers and paints, unless they are labeled nontoxic and should say ASTMD-4236 on the package, which means they’ve been evaluated by the American Society for Testing and Materials. Toys made out of fabric should be labeled as flame resistant or flame retardant.
Learn how to prevent eye injuries.
What Are You Reading These Days?
We’ve noticed that many of our patients enjoy reading a good book. We’re collecting recommendations for a “good read,” and we will be sharing them every month in our newsletter.
Below are reading recommendations for November 2022
Have a reading recommendation? Email it to our Newsletter Editor.

Shop The Optical Shoppe on Small Business Saturday®

The Optical Shoppe is proudly participating in Small Business Saturday, this Saturday, November 26 from 9am – 12 noon. Small Business Saturday was created in 2010 to encourage consumers to support small businesses. Small Business Saturday is supported by American Express.
Please redeem the offer below, valid now through Nov. 30, 2022.
20% Off Sunglasses!
Complete pair prescription sunglasses only. Excludes Maui Jim. Expires Nov. 30, 2022.
NICE! Shop for New Frames in Our Online Frames Gallery
Don’t Wait: You can shop for frames online!
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